
EMAPI.Object.PolygonObject - the class of area's objects (polygons) placed on the maps in the form of layers of {EMAPI.VectorLayer} type.

Adding area:

obj.push(new EMAPI.Object.PolygonObject(
  name: 'Polygon_1',
  label: 'Polygon 1',
  labelVisible: true,
  labelXOffset: -5,
  labelYOffset: -35,
  fontSize: 16,
  fontFamily: 'arial',
      new EMAPI.LonLat(19.447817, 51.749553),
      new EMAPI.LonLat(19.437817, 51.749553),
      new EMAPI.LonLat(19.437817, 51.739553)
 })); //adding the name of the polygon 'Polygon_1'

name{String} Name of the object shown in the information window.
label{String} The label's object on the map.
labelVisible{Boolean} Information about the visibility of the object's name on the map (by default false).
labelXOffset{Integer} Additional horizontal label's shift with the name (by default 0).
labelYOffset{Integer} Additional vertical label's shift with the name (by default 15).
fontSize{String} The font size for the label with the name of the object on the map (by default 12px).
fontFamily{String} Font name for the label with the name of the object on the map (by default Courier New).
labelVisible{Boolean} Information about the visibility of the object's name on the map (default is false).
lonLat{Array(EMAPI.LonLat)} List of coordinates points of a polygon.

An example of using:

var layer = new EMAPI.VectorLayer('warstwa 1'); //create a new layer 'layer'
map.addLayer(layer); //add a layer of 'layer' to the map

var obj = new Array(); //creating a new array of objects 'obj'

obj.push(new EMAPI.Object.PolygonObject({name:'Polygon_1', label: 'Polygon 1', labelVisible: true, labelXOffset:-5, labelYOffset:-35, fontSize: 16, fontFamily: 'arial', lonLat:[new EMAPI.LonLat(19.447817, 51.749553), new EMAPI.LonLat(19.437817, 51.749553) , new EMAPI.LonLat(19.437817, 51.739553)]})); //adding polygon called 'Polygon_1'
obj.push(new EMAPI.Object.PolygonObject({name:'Polygon_2', label: 'Polygon 2', labelVisible: true, labelXOffset:25, labelYOffset:-30, fontSize: 16, fontFamily: 'arial', lonLat:[new EMAPI.LonLat(19.469817, 51.739553), new EMAPI.LonLat(19.465817, 51.729553) , new EMAPI.LonLat(19.444817, 51.744553)]})); //adding polygon called 'Polygon_2'

layer.addObjects(obj) //Adding objects from the array 'obj' to layer 'layer''